A delicious and ripe tomato is rich in lycopene as well as potassium, vitamin B and E, and many other nutrients. Here are some of the benefits of eating tomatoes for health:
Reinforces the immune system:
Lycopene is an antioxidant that fights with molecules called free radicals that can damage the body’s cells and affect the immune system. For this reason, foods high in lycopene, such as tomatoes, may reduce the risk of lung, stomach or prostate cancer.
Helps to heart health:
Lycopene in tomatoes can help reduce LDL levels or bad cholesterol as well as blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. Other nutrients in tomatoes such as vitamins B and E and antioxidants called flavonoids can also be effective in heart health.
Effective in the health of the eyes:
Tomatoes contain substances called lutein and Zeaxanthin that can help protect the eyes from blue light that exits digital devices such as smartphones and computers. These substances may also help prevent eye fatigue and reduce headaches, as well as reduce the risk of age-dependent macular degeneration.
Takes care of the skin:
Just as the lycopene in the tomato, protects it from sunlight, it can also help skin cells against harmful sun rays, although it cannot be replaced by sunscreen, but help the inside of the skin to resist.
Useful for pregnancy:
Adequate consumption of folate, before and during pregnancy, is essential to protect against neurological defects in infants. Although pregnant women are recommended to use folic acid supplements, tomatoes are a good source of folate that is a natural form of folic acid and in the proper diet, this tomato advantage can be helpful during pregnancy.
But you should be careful about consuming tomatoes:
Tomatoes, like other nutritious foods, should be eaten adequately. Excessive eating of tomatoes, which have acidic properties, can exacerbate people with gastric reflux (GERD). It can also be problematic for people who use beta-blocker drugs because of the high potassium in them. High potassium also has the risk of kidney stones in the body.